- Thursday, March 31, 2016
One thing I have realized is that, if anything we are like a treasure chest. I often think back to when I was a child and I see all the potential I had but didn't know how to use. Throughout life we are on a road to discovering who we are and why we are the way we are. See God makes us with purpose and God knows what we are going through in life. I know that my life has turned out very differently than I could've ever planned, but its been amazing because I see God's hand through it all. It's exciting to look at every up-and-down I've experienced in my life so far and find that God strategically placed certain abilities in me for each moment. When the time came for a bump in the road, I was able to handle it with God's help because God had placed within me patience or strength or perseverance or... (fill in the blank.)
I hope you all realize how special and unique you are. This Easter I would encourage all of you to take some time and examine yourself. Think about the strengths you have and then compare them with what you have experienced in life so far. Ask yourself "what did God provide when I was going through_______? "What character trait, skill, or even habit did God strategically give me because God knew I would need it for such a time as this?" In the same way God gave us the gift of eternal life through Jesus, God has given each of us tools to tackle whatever challenge we face. You are a treasure chest and I think a lot of life is figuring out what tools you've been given. Know that you are loved.
Happy Easter,
- Saturday, March 26, 2016
I have heard that the highest form of wisdom is kindness. It had always been an abstract idea to me until I saw kindness in action last Sunday. I was at Avondale with my friends when one of them felt drawn to a disabled homeless boy who had approached us. Instead of giving this young boy the ‘no money’ hand gesture, my friend went on to engage *Paul in conversation and then he wheeled him into the nearest shop, got him a pack of buns, paid at the till and bid him farewell. Kindness doesn’t always have to be big and grand, it can be simple and seemingly small, but one kind action can literally change someone’s day!
On the drive home, I saw something that made tears well up in my eyes. There was *Paul, generously sharing his buns with all the other homeless children. Though he had nothing himself, he found it in his heart to share the little he had received with many others. It was a beautiful scene. It got me thinking of how we expect so much from other people, we always hope that someone else will show the less fortunate around us love in some grand gesture. I am so guilty of holding other people to a standard that I am yet live up to myself in the area of kindness. Sometimes we avoid eye contact with beggars by the traffic lights so that they do not approach us, or we conjure up all kinds of excuses as we take a rather lazy and complacent approach to kindness. If you can be anything this Easter holiday, be kind! Trust me, you will be so much happier when you give someone a piece of your heart instead of rolling up the window.
Here are a few suggestions;
Pack simple jam/peanut butter sandwiches and hand them out to the less fortunate people you pass along the route you frequently travel along.
Or something I learned from Albert and Marlene; spare a few cents on ‘Fun and Fresh’ drinking sachets, and give them to the less fortunate people you encounter. It will cost you literally a few cents.
Always show more kindness than seems necessary, because the person receiving it needs it more than you will ever know. Kindness makes all the difference!
Happy Easter Holiday!!
Love Always
[*not his real name]
- Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Hi girls, we are kicking off our "Coffee with the Professionals" program with Law! Read a bit more about it here :) We will be announcing more details this week!
We are looking for TEENAGE GIRLS living in Zimbabwe who are interested in BECOMING FUTURE LAWYERS.
*WIN A FREE TICKET to our 2 day workshop consisting of a GUIDED TOUR of a prestigious law firm, along with some ONE-ON-ONE TIME with its partners. You will also get to spend a morning drinking coffee and eating cake with some of Zimbabwe’s finest LAWYERS and a relaxed afternoon having drinks with LAW STUDENTS.
Throughout the day the selected candidates will be filmed and interviewed. All the footage will be posted on our website and social media platforms. All participants will FORGE VALUABLE RELATIONSHIPS with mentors and peers that are meant to help them in the pursuit of their dreams.
*WIN A FREE TICKET to our 2 day workshop consisting of a GUIDED TOUR of a prestigious law firm, along with some ONE-ON-ONE TIME with its partners. You will also get to spend a morning drinking coffee and eating cake with some of Zimbabwe’s finest LAWYERS and a relaxed afternoon having drinks with LAW STUDENTS.
Throughout the day the selected candidates will be filmed and interviewed. All the footage will be posted on our website and social media platforms. All participants will FORGE VALUABLE RELATIONSHIPS with mentors and peers that are meant to help them in the pursuit of their dreams.
*Read below for information on how to ENTER and WIN!*
#CoffeewiththeProfessionals #CoffeewiththeLawyers #wearepurplelipstick
#CoffeewiththeProfessionals #CoffeewiththeLawyers #wearepurplelipstick
- Tuesday, March 22, 2016
In the six and half months that I have spent in Zim, I am learning how wonderful it is to live in a warm climate. Here you can garden all year around, never have to worry about driving on icy roads, and the sun seems to always be shining! In Michigan, we can only use the laundry line for less than three months of the year, but in Zim you can dry your clothes outside all year around, which brings me to my one complaint of a warm climate......BUGS!
I am actually not afraid of bugs. If they don’t bother me, I won’t bother them. But when there are ants in large quantities, I mean MASSIVE quantities, where they don’t belong; I become the meanest exterminator ever! I grab my deadly spray off the shelf, aim it at the ants’ home, and yell, “Prepare to die!” (I think it’s only fair to warn them of their doom first). Other bugs that I find in unusual places I am calm about, I’ll sweep them away or let them live outside. Spiders on the other hand.....have to die! The only technique I have not fully mastered is...ironing.
Here in Zim, I have learned you must first iron all clothes before folding them, due to the infamous Putsi fly. They can lay eggs in your warm wet clothes, which hatch while you’re wearing them and then burro into your skin, where they emerge a few weeks later leaving painful sores. I must confess I do not enjoy ironing. I have designated every Wednesday or Thursday as laundry day, thus only having to iron once a week. Standing there for an hour or two (I am still learning how to iron properly) doing the same painful repetitive motion isn’t exactly my cup of tea. I do it because I must, and I know our clothes are better for it.
The other day, I was explaining to my Mom the “wonderful” world of ironing and she, full of wisdom, explained to me that sometimes bugs need to be ironed out of one’s life. This made me think, “What bugs need to be ironed out of my life?”
I am now trying to “iron” out the “bug” of complaining. I honestly don’t complain allot, but occasionally when I do, I know my husband notices and finds it very unattractive, as do most people! If I go through the day thanking the Lord for the simplest things, such as ants, I know that will help “iron” out the “bug” of a complaining attitude. In life we may need to “iron” out many “bugs.” Whether it is a “bug” of an unhealthy relationship, the “bug” of having a habit of lying, or the “bug” of complaining, they can and should be ironed out of our lives. It might be painful, annoying or quite tedious to iron out such bugs, but the end result will always be better, healthy, and a more joyous life!
So, the next time I bring out my iron, instead of complaining, I’ll thank the Lord that I can iron out the bugs, and I’ll pray that God will show me what “bugs” need to be “ironed” out next.
Enjoy Ironing! *wink*
- Friday, March 18, 2016
The Holidays are a week away! After the stress of exams and last minute sports events you definitely deserve a break. One of my favorite ways to relax is to grab a few of my best friends, hop in a car, and take a road trip away from the craziness of the city. Fortunately for most of you reading this, you live in Zimbabwe, a country overflowing with scenic treasures. I'm not just talking about our beloved "Smoke that Thunders" or the transcendent beauty of Manpools. You can literally find jaw dropping natural havens right around the corner. This past year I visited just a few of them and thought I'd share a couple of my favorites. I'm definitely going back to all of these gems, so hopefully I'll run into you ;)
1. Cliff Diving at The "Blue Water" Quarry in Mutorashanga
This tops my list as the number one place you need to visit this holiday! If I could I would build a house next to the quarry and live there forever (hypothetically speaking ;) ). The magnificent blue of the water is breath taking and takes you by surprise the minute you see it. When I walked up to the water I could barely believe my eyes, it felt like I was in a fairy tale, filmed in HD! The water is pretty safe to swim in (I think) and there usually isn't anyone else around :) For an extra adrenaline rush jump off the semi-high parts of the shore (don't go too high, it can get pretty sketchy)! This was probably one of the scariest things I've done, but it was so so fun! I would also recommend packing some lunch or buying a couple of pizza's so you and your friends can chill and chat after. Oh, and best of all... its absolutely FREE!
2. Hanging Out with Pumba at the Lion and Cheetah Park
Your probably rolling your eyes right now! Even though everyone has at some point been forced to go there as a child, the Lion and Cheetah Park is still one of the coolest places in town. I got to visit it about a month ago and was pleasantly surprised at how much it has grown. As you can see in the picture I got to make friends with a bunch of warthogs (who actually pretty grumpy haha.) I also got to walk with Zebras, Kudu's, Springboks and the 100 year old tortoise that lives in the park hut. The lions and crocodiles were pretty great to see but were behind fences which kinda made me a bit sad. Overall though, I really think you should consider passing by, the company is amazing ;)
3. The Rolling Hills at Domboshawa
The wind gently caressing your hair, the soft crunch of warm gravel beneath your toes, the smell of fresh air rushing into your lungs. These are all part of the Domboshwa experience. My friends and I recently visited this hidden treasure and hiked up to the highest point. From the top we were surrounded by scenic views that made me want to lift up my hands and dance. The sky was a soft baby blue and the tranquil silence of the hills was filled with the noise of our laughter and happy banter. If you're looking to have a super relaxed afternoon with your besties Domboshawa is a great place to be.
4. Riding Elephants at Pamuzinda (Chengeta)
If you have some extra money to spend and don't want to travel too far to find adventure you can always stop by Pamuzinda. This place is especially dear to me because my sister and her husband rode into their wedding on the two resident Elephants there. The staff are super friendly and treat the animals really well, making sure to let them wander free most of the time. Riding on an elephant is almostlike an outer body experience. They move gracefully and don't seem to notice you there at all. Their skin is pretty coarse, but there's a softness in their eyes that makes them seem so friendly and conscientious. Elephants are my favorite animal, even if you don't get to ride on them, just seeing them is enough to make you relax.
Finally, right in the middle of Harare you will find Jacaranda Pass. A small rode that is overshadowed by gorgeous Jacarandas. In the midst of the buzzing noise of Avondale, this stretch of land seems out of place, a rose among thorns. My brother and I love to buy blue, candy flavored freezits to munch on as we walk along the small pavement in the center of traffic. If not for anything else some of my best Instagram pictures have been taken there ;) This gem is often overlooked, but I always find myself going back to it to find peace.
- Thursday, March 17, 2016
Over forty-two hours had passed since we started our journey to Zimbabwe. The long flight hours, cramped space, funny smells, strange food, and the seemingly unending layovers were quite bearable with Mark by my side. I never expected that at the age of 20 I would be heading off on such a life changing adventure, that I would be leaving one country for another, or that I would be married to the man of my dreams.
We had been married for 22 days when we departed my beloved country, America, “home of the free, land of the brave” (also the land of Justin Beiber). I left behind my loving parents, five sisters, four brothers, three nephews, two nieces, Grandparents, and countless cousins, Aunts and Uncles. I left my three closest friends, my job, my car, my small town in Michigan with it’s comforting small town vibe. I packed most of what I held dear as memories, and stuffed what I could in suitcases.
What could ever make me leave my family, friends, comforts, and familiarities?
Well, as much as I love my husband, Mark, I didn’t leave for love, (although that helped immensely!) nor for a better job, nor a better start in life. I left because I knew, I know, without a shadow of doubt God had called me to Zimbabwe. I didn’t expect it to all happen so soon, but I left because I knew in my heart that this is where I am supposed to be. To marry Mark, someday raise a family, and just LIVE. I lost nothing in leaving America. To live for Christ, is to gain everything! Though I was sad to leave and sometimes miss my family, friends, comforts, and familiarities, my identity is not found in them, therefore change isn’t as difficult as it seems.
I am so excited to finally be permanently here! This is my third time to Zimbabwe, and this time for forever, or until God leads Mark and I somewhere else. Mark was born and raised here, I feel so blessed knowing he chose me and to take on the trouble of importing a wife. Most of our three year relationship was long distance, and not without some struggles, but here we are. I am 20 years old, married and in Zimbabwe.
My favourite colour is green; I find the smell of the earth right after a fresh rain irresistible. I enjoy the sunshine, and despise the cold after a month. I love taking long walks on dirt roads with Mark and our dog Bailey. I enjoy seeing the fruits of my labor whether it’s from my baking, making meals, gardening or helping my husband. I love farm life and watching my two, three month year old tortoises grow. And although I am from the states..... no, I have not met Justin Beiber.
I am so excited to be joining the Purple Lipstick team! Marlene came and told me about it the first Sunday I had arrived. After meeting everyone, Noni, and Albert, and hearing their stories, I can see why they have been to so many schools. I am honoured that they asked me to join and I am looking forward to see how each of our stories can impact lives. I can’t wait to aid in their cause of telling you, that you are worth so much! Your identity is outside of what others think, say, or do to you. You have value! no matter your past, nor how dim your future may seem. Whatever changes you face, know in your heart who you are, who God says you are! and He’ll bring you to unexpected people, in unexpected places on unexpected adventures.
Looking forward to meeting you!
- Friday, March 11, 2016