Hi I'm Matifadza Chaza,
Nice to meet you :).
Sooo I'm a bit of an oddball, I've always been. I enjoy doing things most people would think are nerdy or weird for example watching Korean dramas or watching anime or dressing like the 80s called and they want their fashion back.
Soooo I'm a bit radical in my fight against the conventions set up by society telling us to be one way and learn one way and think one way. Who is society though? We are! We're the ones who make the rules!! 'You know what they say....' Who is they?! 'They' is actually not a bunch of guys sitting behind desks coming up with more ways to ruin our lives. 'They' is us, therefore WE must stop blaming society for everything and complaining about how oppressed we are by these conventions and get up and actually breach the confines we have set up for ourselves. Breaching those confines, for example, would be giving more girls an opportunity to learn how to code and hack (the good type of hacking not the one you see in the movies because that's illegal) and program, because many years ago girls in tech were unicorns, almost non-existent; but now it's no longer just a guy thing. Purple Lipstick sets up the platform. I guess that's why you could say I joined the team, because our initiative is different and I believe that different is ok. It's great actually. Different is the little bit of sugar, spice, and everything nice in order to make society great again 👌.
Nice to meet you,
I'm Matifadza Chaza :)
- Tuesday, December 06, 2016