18 Things I Learnt Before I Was 18

Thursday, June 09, 2016

                                18 THINGS I LEARNT BEFORE I WAS 18

1. Your parents are not your enemies even though 90% of the time they seem to be on a mission to sabotage your happiness. They are also just trying to figure this parenting a high maintenance teenager gig. Your friends are your family and you must pick wisely. You will always fight with your siblings but there is a bond there which you will always defend.

2. You are not too young to fall in love. There is nothing wrong with it being love at 10, 12 or 16. You never love the same way twice anyway.

3. Unrequited love will hurt and it will destroy you but it is not your fault and you cannot beat yourself up about it. Do not regret it either. It is just another lesson that you cannot force love.

4. Heartbreak can come from friends just as much as it can come from a romantic relationship. Any relationship where you are vulnerable; platonic or otherwise, can break you.

5. Not everyone will like you and that is ok. You are not everyone’s cup of tea but you surely can be someone’s shot of espresso. Embrace those who embrace you. Espressos aren't for everyone.

6. Never, under any circumstances, place your happiness in other people’s hands. Do not dangle your whole being and survival on the tiny thread that is another human. Be the master of your own survival. Find happiness within yourself otherwise you will forever be in the pursuit of happiness.

7. You define yourself. Never let anyone tell you who to be. They are still trying to figure themselves out too. Consider being the version of you that you idolize in your head. Just be you constantly, unapologetically and confidently. Scare them with how honest you are with yourself and the world. Do not change yourself for him or for her. The people that truly love you will embrace you with all your quirks and flaws. You are enough.

8. Just because that one person did not think you are beautiful or awesome does not mean you are not good enough. You are still a unique work of art and darling you deserve nothing less than adoration so let them go. YOU ARE ENOUGH.

9. Putting yourself first is not a sin. Saying “no” is not a crime. Never feel guilty for doing what is best for you. Love yourself. Tell yourself you are beautiful. Positive affirmations are the foundation of a confident person.

10. Speak your mind. Stand for what you believe in. Do not harbor your wisdom or beliefs. There is no harm in having an opinion as long as you respect everyone else’s opinion. You will regret the things you never said and those words will continue to haunt you.

11. It is alright to be sad and not know why. You are not meant to be happy all the time and you should never feel pressured to be. There is a spectrum of emotions. Do not let society fool you into thinking happiness is more important than any other (has Inside Out, the Pixar animation, taught us nothing?)

12. Depression is real. Do not feel ashamed for it. Talking to someone you trust might not make it stop but it lightens the load. Do not overthink. If you are consumed by it stay strong and remember who you are and where you want to be. Remember you are loved by someone in this world. You are a crucial part of the puzzle in someone’s life. Do not give up. Fight it. Believe in the light at the end of the tunnel.

13. Failure is inevitable and crucial for growth. You are allowed to be angry, disappointed or in despair but do not wallow in it for too long. Get back up and fight again.

14. There is no standard for failure or success. While society might consider a B a pass, you should never feel guilty if you feel it is a below standard grade for you. If a C is a pass for you, do not let the world make your achievement inadequate. We all have different capabilities and no one should be punished for it.

15. It is alright to not have a thorough life plan and to not have it all figured out but do not stop moving. All your goals and plans might fail but it is not the end. Make new ones. Work just as hard and just keep moving.

16. People will lie to you, hurt you and betray your trust but never ever lose your faith in humanity. There are still some good ones out there. Being a kind and caring human does not cost anything. Compliment people. Not strangers, though that would be amazing but start with your family and friends. Charity begins from home. You have no idea how much that tiny compliment or slightest assistance will mean to them. Just show your love with kindness.

17. Nothing lasts forever. All the good things, bad things… painful things. Life keeps moving and so should you. Let go of the pain, let the wound heal. Let go of the good things, make space for greater things.

18. Keep your eyes open for the little things; the clear blue sky, that perfect sunset or sunrise, the way the sun feels on your bare skin, the way your mum sings and attempts to dance while making pancakes, your very breath especially the shaky ones that you take when you’re scared or in love … even the smile or peppy good morning from the stranger in the café. Everything. Be content with life. These little things matter.

Ruvimbo Munemo

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