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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Last week, I shared an amazing experience with some of Zimbabwe's most gorgeous ladies and leaders in the country's fashion and entertainment industry!! Surrounded by such great women, and getting to know them and watching them do their thing in front of the camera in such a glam setting made me realize how easy it can be to focus so much on other people. I met professional models, an amazing tv/radio personality and an international fashion designer and as I engaged in conversation with each of these amazing women, a part of me yearned to do what they do for a living. But I had to hold up and back paddle a little because I realized that I was becoming distracted by other peoples' lists that I lost sight of my own, even if it was just for a moment. When we focus on other people and what they are doing, and what is on their 'life list', the temptation is to drop your own dreams to pickup theirs because let's face it, at times other people's lists sometimes seem nicer than our own. But this is just an illusion. It is so important to stay focused on your own list without getting distracted because focus articulates purpose. Even if you did take on someone else's 'list', what would be the point of succeeding in something which was never meant for you?! So I guess my point is simply that; be your unique self, the fact that you are you is your strength, that is the element which will sustain you and give you more longevity wherever life takes you.

Love Always

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