The Worst Kinds of Pain

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Worst Kinds of Pain

These are some of the worst emotional pains I have ever felt. It took me a pretty long time to type this article (thank you Lower Six for the crazy number of holiday assignments you come with) and I really hope you enjoy it)

1.       1. When we find ourselves rejected by that one guy we actually dared to hitch up our skirts and chase after we go hysterical. (And yet we’ve been rejecting all the other ones that have been approaching us. Hmmm). I am not sure why, but we feel that we should do the dumping, we should do the blocking and the rejecting. Equality isn’t a half-way-house kind of thing. It goes all the way. And then there are those who say “But, Tendow, are you saying that it’s okay for a guy to hit a girl?” That’s not what I’m saying. Nobody should be hitting anybody. Period. I digress. My point is there is nothing wrong with you when this happens. You are still the same beautiful you and just because somebody doesn’t see your value doesn’t mean it’s non-existent. The right person for you is somewhere out there (cliché, yes. But still true). And when that person comes they will treat you better than gold and silver because unlike gold your worth never decreases because the world’s standards have gone down. You remain the same; priceless.

2.       2. On social media. When we post the same picture as Miss I-Am-Popular, wearing the same clothes (for reasons unknown), posing the same way (pout game so strong), but they get a hundred ‘likes’ in ten minutes before we get to twenty (oh, the pain). And we lose it. We go into that deep phase of self-analysis and promise to start dieting the next day or start using waist trainers. LET ME BRIING IT TO YOUR ATTENTION! We are all beautiful no matter what anybody says. You don’t need a million likes or a thousand comments from boys to convince you that you are beautiful the way God made you. Once again. You are NOT for sale so they do not place a value on your worth. You are not a product made to look shiny and clean for somebody to glance at and move on to the next item comparing prices. Do not give them the power to do so. Own your look. Own your flaws. Own yourself. Embrace yourself; every bit.

3.        3. I believe this is the worst kind of pain. When we feel like we don’t matter. And it’s more painful when you feel that way around those you consider to be your friends because we trust their judgement. The words they say leave you scarred for a long time and it’s a bit odd how the same pretty lips preaching “Girls unite” are the same ones tearing another girl down because of what she wears, how she speaks or where she’s from.  ‘We are only as strong as our weakest link’ and we are either all about supporting the girl-child (all of us) or not at all. Keep your arms around the shoulders of your sisters because as you are protecting them, they are supporting you when you are at your weakest. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or your religion or nationality or race. Our differences make a colourful collage when put together.

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