Thursday, June 16, 2016

I was inspired to write this after listening to one of my favorite songs, Wonderwall by Oasis. There is this line that I kept on mulling over: Maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me and after all, you’re my wonderwall. 
A wonderwall is someone you are completely infatuated with: a person who you expect to “save you” from whatever unhappiness or emptiness you feel. And I thought why can’t we be our own wonderwalls, why can’t we be completely and unashamedly infatuated with ourselves and why can’t we be the ones to save ourselves. Why do we have to wait for a superman or superwoman to suddenly come into our lives bearing jars and jars of sunshine?
We live in a world where comparing ourselves to others is the order of the day. We lust after the glitz and glam we see on social media and are forever referring to other people’s relationships, careers and looks as goals. We then completely forget to appreciate and love ourselves yet no one can love us as much as we could love ourselves.
So after thinking, with the help of my good friend Pinterest, I came up with ways we could practice self love. Here goes, I hope someone is inspired.

1. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
We live in an age where everything around us, from airbrushed pictures of models to skin lightening product adverts, points out our flaws. Despite all this, we have to realize that all is vanity and beauty is not eternal. What stays is what is within and if someone really loves you, they will love all the imperfections you come with. Embrace your body, flaws and all, and make your them your strength. As I say, flawnt it!

2. Indulge in things that make you happy.
They could be little things that bring you joy, say hearing your favorite song, eating your favorite food, tinkering with electronics or watching a sitcom. You could make mental notes on things that make you happy and when you are downcast, you can look back on them and hopefully they could make you smile.

3. Spend time with yourself.
Take time off from the world, social media includedand just rest. Be unapologetically selfish with your time alone. This is the time you can think about your goals, reevaluate your life and even make important decisions. Take yourself out on dates, read that book you’ve been meaning to and be brave enough to go on adventures alone. 

4. Follow your dreams relentlessly.
There is nothing as fulfilling as achieving something you’ve you have always dream of. I once watched a ted talk about a girl who had always dreamt of being a clown and gave up a career in engineering to pursue this.( Often, our dreams come off as fanciful or absurd to others. We should not give in to society’s norms by becoming like every other ordinary Jack or Jane. Listen to your heart, block out the negativity and work on your dreams now, whatever they are, and one day you’ll be a beacon of hope for someone struggling to achieve their dreams. 

5. Get into relationships that add value to your life.
Friendships and romantic relationships can be draining. And for sanity’s sake, we need to sift out people who detriment us emotionally or physically.Also, we should not get into romantic relationships hoping that this will make us happier. We should constantly have in mind the fact that our happiness should not come from or depend on anyone else.Rather, making ourselves happy should be our priority and we should never compromise on this.

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