We are Treasure Chests

Saturday, March 26, 2016

One thing I have realized is that, if anything we are like a treasure chest. I often think back to when I was a child and I see all the potential I had but didn't know how to use. Throughout life we are on a road to discovering who we are and why we are the way we are. See God makes us with purpose and God knows what we are going through in life. I know that my life has turned out very differently than I could've ever planned, but its been amazing because I see God's hand through it all. It's exciting to look at every up-and-down I've experienced in my life so far and find that God strategically placed certain abilities in me for each moment. When the time came for a bump in the road, I was able to handle it with God's help because God had placed within me patience or strength or perseverance or... (fill in the blank.)

I hope you all realize how special and unique you are. This Easter I would encourage all of you to take some time and examine yourself. Think about the strengths you have and then compare them with what you have experienced in life so far. Ask yourself "what did God provide when I was going through_______? "What character trait, skill, or even habit did God strategically give me because God knew I would need it for such a time as this?" In the same way God gave us the gift of eternal life through Jesus, God has given each of us tools to tackle whatever challenge we face. You are a treasure chest and I think a lot of life is figuring out what tools you've been given. Know that you are loved.

Happy Easter,

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