A Sisterhood Dynasty

Thursday, August 04, 2016

“blame the internet “
It took me so long to write this ....trying to appeal to my generation, ‘who shall even pay attention’ i pondered ....these days its harder than it was when we didn’t have smart phones; such simple times where the sentiments were real and the love was not limited to ‘heart eyes’ and attention spans weren’t on limited. A generation of hustlers and go getters in lipstick..Of all shades, even vibrant purples the millennium of the Women. A generation so great that they pioneer change and start movements from simple conversations. A generation of innovative and diverse humans that testify of God’s glory by just being themselves. What a time to be alive, how lucky we are to be a part of this piece of history.

Mine is a story of a girl who’s surrounded by an ever evolving world..yearning for true friendship, and sisterhood. Our generation is plagued by virtualization...you have us teenage girls having so many issues fitting in because we don’t have a certain phone ,nor the latest trending accessory... all promoted by the exposure to each others ,and Celebrity Day to Day life. We are competing dear sisters, Sister Hood is under siege .Our friendships have been reduced to selfies, heart emoji’s and Instagram tags. We sit and compare likes, pose for a dozen photos but we not sharing our hopes and dreams with one another, smile and pretend for social media rather than confide in one another, instead of helping each other to realize and grow.. We have forgotten to be each others keeper. So I beseech thee Dear sisters, let us be blessings to each other again, explore each others beautiful minds and build sustainable friendships. I am turning 20 today and I realize now more than ever how important it is to have a sister .The only way to have a friend for keeps is to be that friend. Don't treat others how they treat you ,treat them how you would like them to treat you!

As girls of worth who shall evolve into phenomenal women, we need to rise above the mediocrity that is tearing each other down, making each other feel like we not good enough. There’s no limits to what can be, its up to us to break the status quo and thrive in this broken system. To move forward and pioneer change for our generation, for the African girl child, for girls everywhere, our sisters .For girls that love #purplelipstick. 

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