Freed By Love

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Every person has an innate desire to be loved. A tender touch, a warm smile and a loving look can do wonders to a broken heart. My world began falling apart before it even started. Losing my mother at the age of seven broke my heart to the core. It affected myself esteem and the way I viewed the world. For years I carried the name orphan deep inside my heart and built walls around myself, walls that would take a lot to forfeit. That feeling of being alone and afraid was my companion and yet in the midst of all that chaos I was surrounded by love, love I was too blind to see.
It’s been nineteen years since my mum slipped from time to eternity even though I often miss her I am now so much at peace. I have found a love stronger than life itself. Just the thought of God loving fiercely on me makes me want to jump around in joy. God in His lovingkindness will never live anyone orphaned. He always extends his love to us through the prism of human relationships. God will always love us   and takes care of us like the perfect father does for His children. Throughout scripture we find Him pictured as having qualities of a strong caring father, a tender pitiful mother, a loving husband, an affectionate wife, a protective big brother, a listening sister and a faithful friend. It took me quite some time to release how much loved I am. For the greater part of my life I was so lost in grief and focussed so much on life’s negatives and yet I was so much blessed with family and friends who cared.

My turning point came when I was seventeen. I remember hearing God say your parents finished their dispensational calling as   your parents the day they died, this is a new season for you. I am going to directly take care of you and meet all your needs. From that day my perspective about life changed. I stopped seeing myself as an orphan but as God’s princess. From that day I have a new a song, a song of adoption. I have been adopted by heaven!! Christ’s love has been so real to me. I never lacked any good thing. God always sends His angels to meet me at my point of need. Whenever I need a mum or a dad He sends someone to meet that need. Spending time with Jesus though my daily devotionals has made me see and experience the beautiful colours of His love. All I need to do is ask and provides. Every act of kindness done to me is an expression of Yahweh’s love for me. He is not dead, he is surely alive and loving on me every day. It is now my turn to love back on Him through loving others and making the most of all my relationships.

Having been set free from the pangs of grief   by love I will show my affection to those in need of it, those who need to be reminded that God cares and loves like a hurricane. I will forever be grateful to YAHWEH. We all have a duty to love our fellow beings by so doing we will be showing our Creator how much we love Him.

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