How to Beat the Zim Heat

Saturday, February 20, 2016

1. Push your shower as close to the middle of the day as you can. Waking up and immediately taking a shower is normally our go to routine before school/work/stuff but when the heat hits the way it's hitting right now, you might need to switch that up. Taking a shower gives your body a shock of temperature changes that will leave it cooled and woken up. Saving that shock for when its hottest in the day makes one heck of a difference. - tip: turn down the hot water: lukewarm if you're not a fan of cold showers. 2. Open up the window but keep the curtains closed. The Zimbabwe sun will light up anything it touches, so curtains closed is a smart way of keeping its fierce hands off of floors/furniture/skin. But stagnant air is probably the worst place to be in the heat. It creates that thick warmth that you cannot seem to escape from, not even sweat feels cool in stagnant heat. So open some your windows, and allow for the breeze to circulate. It'll cool you off and carry the heat of the room. 3. drink something hot. Hot drinks make the body activate its cooling mechanisms and since the drink is often hotter than your environment you'll cool down more than your body would see as necessary. 4. Get embarrassed. Adrenaline is the answer to most things. if you're so hot you can feel it in your bones, go do something that'll pump you up. A fun exercise, game, or show you like or something that gets you hyped. But if all else fails, embarrassing yourself tends to never fail... slipping in front of a group of good looking people from your school will almost always make you forget about the heat. 5. Sleep till its cooler. Sleep till its cooler... yup...

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